The saga of the stableboy

Friday, February 18, 2005

People be Merry!

As the knight surveys the battleground of Jpegio, where his army fought valiantly, he sees many long faces brooding over the battle.Being an old hand, he realizes that this block in the post-battle mindset of people is not healthy for them.He goes around, waking up people to the fact that they have won. There should be feasts, dancing, happiness all around, not the dank feeling that people had then.The knight calls for a party !!Meanwhile, the stableboy's spirits are fast sinking because of the princess' abscence from before his eyes. He has to do something to be with the princess. Lets see whether he can conjure up a reasonable enough cause for the princess to be called ....
posted by uNdetEcTed at 5:54 AM


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