The saga of the stableboy

Sunday, February 27, 2005


The stableboy is bleeding and lugubrious and wishes for some miracle or someone like a fairy godmother to come along and bring back those times of.......

Friday, February 18, 2005


Yohoo.....Its that time of the year again. The stableboy is back now from a partially succesful venture at a far away town........During this time of year but, hees feelin a sense of change in the air....The princess is not around..... The weather has changed.... One gets the feeling that Christmas is in the air and it gives a sense of expectancy.Even before Thanksgiving had come and gone, the princess looked as beautiful as ever....... The Christmas trees are decorated, garland is everywhere and the lights are turned on...But still the the stableboy doesnot understand the reason for his sadness...he wants to call the princess,but what if................
posted by ruman at 9:45 AM

Testing times

Testing times for the Stable boy.The Dyke seems to be with the princess all the time. The stableboy seems to have gained some courage from his recent sucess on the theatrical scene. But not enough. Its time I think someone pushed him over the cliff perhaps(metamorphically I mean)? The princess seems to be in a different world of her own, from what I have heard. Time to rally behind the sb?
posted by Duke Don Vito at 7:22 AM

Holiday Season!!

hey Stable boy WHERE ARE YOU??!?!? Tis the season to be jolly!! Its about time you think about that kiss under the mistletoe! Its now or never mister...witches wont help you untill the cold winter is over, they must be hybernating somewhere! If you dont tell her wendy will open her big mouth! Even though princess lives in a palace, she still have a phone number... SUGGESTION: DIAL THAT NUMBER AND ASK HER FOR A DANCE BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE DEOS!!
posted by preeeya at 9:17 AM

They are HER accomplices

The three witches who masquerade as if they are here to ballyhoo and stand by the stableboy,actually are a part of the Dykes staff..........The stableboy unskeptical and unsophisticated would not have understood this if he wouldn't have been warned by Rumpulstenskin who has a good influence on the witches.........The stableboy needs more help from peter pan and wendie now that there are more bad and evil people who donot wish for a happy ending of the princess and the stableboy...............
posted by ruman at 9:46 AM

Weapons of Mass destruction

Seems as if our stable boy has reached the end of his tether with wendy!she still deos have a plan, but everything rquires timing and precision...its a diffcult situation and the obsticle(dyke) must be removed without her knowledge. People are tired, recouperating from the battle of japegio...but the main battle is yet to be faught.The arms with which the stable boy can get his sweet princess are not very strong right now. Who are these arms? the stable boy may ask..well it is the 3 wicked witches who have travelled a long way thinking this kindom is where thier abode is..they mean well, but always end up doing everything the wrong way. Now although these witches are unable to contribute much for this kingdom ...they have one very strong piont which is very crucial for our stable boy... that is their powers over the dyke...believe me, its stronger than any power the horse may ever have!And so stable boy, as these witches are currently injured from the previous 3 battles it would be hard hard to expect them to come to a mere stable boys rescue!but fear not, for love will eventually conquer this story, it must!
posted by preeeya at 7:19 PM

Hey u were to help me.........................

Peter pan and Wendie seem to have obliterated their stellar desideratum of meliorating the stableboy's situation by helping him to fight the treacherous and mephestophilian plans of the Dyke.......but they are showing little encumbrance to the stableboy....the stable boy is simple stableboy and he needs help from someone to fight the diabolical mean plans of the dyke...........
posted by ruman at 9:21 AM

People be Merry!

As the knight surveys the battleground of Jpegio, where his army fought valiantly, he sees many long faces brooding over the battle.Being an old hand, he realizes that this block in the post-battle mindset of people is not healthy for them.He goes around, waking up people to the fact that they have won. There should be feasts, dancing, happiness all around, not the dank feeling that people had then.The knight calls for a party !!Meanwhile, the stableboy's spirits are fast sinking because of the princess' abscence from before his eyes. He has to do something to be with the princess. Lets see whether he can conjure up a reasonable enough cause for the princess to be called ....
posted by uNdetEcTed at 5:54 AM

The Recuperation

Now that the battle of Jpegio is over the forces now recuperate from the carnage that has been caused due to the short battle. It seems that the forces of Trion have won the battle and completely vanquished Asuch. Now the kingdom must face the fierce battle of Theodicre in a few moons' time.The climate getting more and more severe by the day will add to the agony of the subjects of the Trion kingdom. The recuperation will be slow considering the fact that Jpegio has left its scars on the minds of the subjects of Trion.However the forces seem to be eager for Theodicre since they know that like all the hurdles, this hurdle will also be conquerered however hard and big it maybe......The stableboy worries more and more as the days left in his hands to get his princess fade away.
posted by Mr. 47 at 5:41 AM

Winter sets in...

Winter has set in the kingdom with the temperatures falling everyday.The battle of Jpegio looms ahead... On the eve of the battle, the Duke is worried, as the forces are still unprepared, and are still tired from the battle of Halejuah, where they were triumphant.Far far away, the Pope has prophecised that the kingdom will have to fight a long batlle of Therodicre.The cold nights make the stableboy think more about the princess......
posted by Duke Don Vito at 10:41 AM

Man I miss her.................

The stableboy loves the princess with deepest passion and wishes that he could see her everyday.........It hurts the stableboy to know how he sometimes can be a little selfish when it comes to the princess, but ,hmmm, he is in deeepest love for the princess!If the stableboy had a flower for everytime he thought about the princess ,he would now be strolling in a garden....and hoped that the princess were with him.......He thinks about her every night and day wishing that she was in his arms .He loves his beautiful princess.......He wants her to know how he feels...His heart bleeds blood for her...the stableboy shows shoestring encumbrance to the war but he wants the princess to know more than anything that he misses her........
posted by ruman at 8:36 AM

Beware of Asuch

The Ogre due to his anonimity amongst the enemy has an upper hand and with the help of Wendy and Horse has breached the stronghold of the Jpegios, thus acting as a spy for the Trion empire. He has collected important information about the Jpegio kingdom and their strongholds. He shall distribute them amongst the military and cavalry of Trion. He warns Trion of the commander of the Jpegios - Asuch. Asuch is a staunch warrior and a very stubborn one too. His resources are highly organized and having won many such puny battles single-handedly he knows when to attack and when to stay back well. However knowing that he wouldnot be able the counter the power and might of the combined power of army and peasants of Trion he has called upon an old ally for his help. This ally Aitis - is not a familiar name amongst the subjects of Mightia. Hence plans and tactics might cause the sense of worry amongst the subjects for Trion. Although under the fine leadership of the Duke, the wisdom of the Pope. The Ogre doesnt think that this battle will be a big task for the army of Trion. However the Ogre worries about the War of Papyrus which lay ahead of Trion. He fears that many peasants and knights will be lost in the war and that the outcome of the war may surprise even the wisest of Priests.
posted by Mr. 47 at 3:36 AM

The Battle of Halejuah - The first chapter

The knight hears the Duke's words ... And ...`Have you ever felt the prickly things on the back of your neck before?` ( Sixth Sense - Sean, Cole ( Haley Joel Osment ) )That's what the knight feels like when he thinks of what they will have to face at Jpegio... But, the very thing which made him the knight he is helps him out ... "Never think of the future" :) .Slowly, the knight takes out his armour and starts polishing it ...It gleams in the way which had helped stoke rumours about his exploits on the battle-field...The knight will start calling on his friends to help him win the Battle of Halejuah for the Duke, although he doesn't foresee any major obstacles standing in the way."Get ready to battle, men!On to Halejuah!"
posted by uNdetEcTed at 11:52 AM

The battle of Halejuah

The battle of Mekara was avoided because of an amicable treaty. The general was weak and we have old links.Two large battles lay ahead... The battle of Halejuah and the battle of Jpegio. Our forces are not strong enough and are not well prepared for both the battles.Let the gods smile upon us and prevent a massacre.Onto Halejuah my subjects.
posted by Duke Don Vito at 10:58 AM

Things can fall into place..

After dwelling upon the grave situation, planning and intense deliberations with the knight she finally came up with a flawless plan for her stable boy friend... she knows it will require time. now that the ball is over, it will be harder to communicate, but she is sure things will start falling into place as and when the kingdom recovers from the invasion of the superiors...
posted by preeeya at 11:18 PM


Once the princess and the stableboy were together.This may be a thing of the long forgotten past to the princess,but to the stableboy its memory will live forever and the princesess beauty will remain a brand upon the stableboy's heart.The stableboy doesnot claim that the princess was his first love for there were crushes and infatuations before he ever got to meet the princess.But the princess was the one to reach out to touch the stableboy's soul,to burn the image of their true love into his deepest indelibly..............
posted by ruman at 10:20 AM

Help is coming

The Ogre, having gone through the agony of losing a loved one due to the sheer inability to communicate, is devising a plan for the stableboy and the princess' union. Peter might be of some help against the dyke with his chatter power. He can help lure the Dyke away from the princess, so that the princess is left alone for the stableboy to impress upon her the moments that had been... However knowing that Wendy might prove to be the most important part of this union the Ogre keeps the helping hand out, while keeping a watch on her activities. Meanwhile the horse-turned-prince would also prove helpful in making the princess remember what all had happened btn the princess and the stableboy by removing the princess from the veiled eyes of the Dyke cast on the princess...
posted by Mr. 47 at 10:51 AM

Thoughts and Plans ....

The stableboy presents his renewed vigour to his mates-in-combat, Peter and Wendy, and they pool their heads together for ways of getting the stableboy his love.It's plain that with the DYKE around, it's next to impossible to unite the two of them. So they hatchet a long drawn-out plan, working on all the aspects of the moves they will have to make, the pros and cons of the events that will have to 'happen'. They realize that they won't be able to achieve this mammoth, almost gargantuan coup without anybody else's help, especially with the DYKE constantly breathing down the back of the princess.They plan to bring in the Ogre, who knows Peter and Wendy well, and the Grinch. They are depending on the horse to enlist the Grinch's aid.Meanwhile, Dobby has told the knight about the stableboy's plight, and he is thinking of opening his mind to the Duke as well.The stableboy sure has a lot of forces with him on his mission ....
posted by uNdetEcTed at 11:33 AM

The ball continues.........

The princess dressed in her pink accoutrements is looking as angelic and exemplary as ever......Its now time for the mouth music that the DYKE appears and the Princess is pulled away by demoniac magical dementors of the dyke......Once again the nefarious and diabolical plans of the dyke prevents the stableboy from getting his true love back from the infernal claws of the DYKE.The Stableboy now will face any impediment any fortification to get his true love back.......
posted by ruman at 9:48 AM

Saturday, February 05, 2005

The Ball continues........

The stableboy, in his guise as a prince has still done nothing to attract the attention of the princess, who meanwhile, is looking not interested in the other prince at the ball, who is the horse in disguise...Peter also looks disdainfully at the quite busy princess, thinking ... while Wendy, catching his looksat the princess is quietly fuming.The dyke, meanwhile, is nowhere to be seen. Maybe hatching some evil plan or the other ? The knight , always on the alert for trouble, notes the conspicuousness of the dyke by her abscence. He takes permission from the Duke to search all of the castle for the dyke, instructing Dobby to call upon the elves for help.Where can the dyke be ?? Lets find out ...
posted by uNdetEcTed at 8:40 AM

The Ball

The Stableboy is still looking around for the princess with all amourousness.The Stableboy thinks of it as a good oppurtunity for the Kiss but he is also worried bout the Mephistophelian plans of the DYKE......

The Epic

The story continues....
posted by uNdetEcTed at 10:53 AM